Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jaydon's Birthday AKA Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Halloween, is an awesome holiday for us for two reasons; First, we get to dress up, eat excessive amounts of sugar, and be spooky. But most importantly, it is Jaydon's (Candice's Nephew) Birthday! AND this year was his first Birthday!
One of the main events of the night was my cool "fro" which is my real hair and no it wasn't hard to make it look like this, it's just naturally unruly... Sad I know...

So here is the cutest hippie couple ever... We are twins! Oh and isn't Jaimo's chest hair like super rad! HA HA HA!

Here are the parentals and baby count Dracula. Mom was a sophisticated dead lady, dad was well, I'm not entirely sure but maybe a spooky Little Black Riding Hood?

Jaydon and his Dad blew out his first birthday candle.

Um, yeah I guess we are related and our hair is so cool!

Grandma with the kids: Smarties Tot and Baby Count Dracula!

Here we are full of love, peace, and happiness! What a foxy couple we make!
We hope ya'll had a safe and happy holiday!