Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jaydon's Birthday AKA Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Halloween, is an awesome holiday for us for two reasons; First, we get to dress up, eat excessive amounts of sugar, and be spooky. But most importantly, it is Jaydon's (Candice's Nephew) Birthday! AND this year was his first Birthday!
One of the main events of the night was my cool "fro" which is my real hair and no it wasn't hard to make it look like this, it's just naturally unruly... Sad I know...

So here is the cutest hippie couple ever... We are twins! Oh and isn't Jaimo's chest hair like super rad! HA HA HA!

Here are the parentals and baby count Dracula. Mom was a sophisticated dead lady, dad was well, I'm not entirely sure but maybe a spooky Little Black Riding Hood?

Jaydon and his Dad blew out his first birthday candle.

Um, yeah I guess we are related and our hair is so cool!

Grandma with the kids: Smarties Tot and Baby Count Dracula!

Here we are full of love, peace, and happiness! What a foxy couple we make!
We hope ya'll had a safe and happy holiday!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Temple Square Day

We headed out to temple square the other day, even though we had both been there a few times. It amazing to me how it changes each time I go. Of course it was special this time cause I was with my husband. We went through the Beehive house and I realized I kind of like antiques. The sister missionaries could barely speak english and they were talking about polygany and what can I say it was pretty funny watching the faces of the people on our tour. We also went to the Joseph Smith movie and it made us cry. It is really an intense show. Also, one of my old nieghbors Ryan Wood was Oliver Cowdry in it and I couldn't help but say in my head: "You're not Oliver! I know you, YOU ARE RYAN WOOD!" After all that we went on a tour of the conference building, which is huge by the way. A guy asked how much it all cost and they were like, "We don't realease that information..." Jaimo and I think it was a billion or so? Oh and FYI they tore down the crossroads mall and the church bought the property they are making it a whole new shopping district and stuff. Also, owning the property helps to maintain the picketers during conference. Which we get to go to a session on Saturday and Sunday! It will be my first time and I am excited to experience conference at the center of it all!
P.S. We decided that the SLC temple is the one we plan on getting sealed in....

The Bar J Wranglers!

Recently we went out to Jackson Hole Wyoming to see the Bar J Wranglers. Those guys are so hilarious I thought my Mom was gonna bust a gut laughing and it was really good to be with fam. Anyway, it was the most red meat we have eaten in a while and we were sure full! Also, we sat by a sweet couple from Mass. and they were like "good luck you two, you are such a good looking and loevly couple." My how we have ya'll fooled! HA HA! Anyway, it makes me miss my lil sis Kye and of course the rest of the fam too!

The Art Gallery

Jaimo and I make it out to downtown every so often and on Saturdays we go to our farmers market. After we went to the market this week I talked Jaimo into letting me go to the art gallery. It was aawesome! And we got to look at it all in 3-D glasses as you can see. Anyway, slowly I am turning Jaimason into an Art Geek like me! Yeehaw!

The Persian Party

Ok so we got all dressed up and went to a Persian party the other weekend! HA HA! It was awesome, we danced and there was food and let me tell you the Persians they know how to party. Anyway, it was fun and we got out and enjoyed a great night.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Weekend in Idaho!

We decided on the fly to head out to Idaho and hang out with the fam. I went horse riding of course and I got to see my whole fam! So I caught these candids of all of the peoples I love!

I love my sweet Lola Mary! Ma hal kita Lola... I dunno how to spell that but it's how you say I love you grandma in tagalog. My Mom is mad at me for posting this picture of her but I think she is pretty lady!

Cute Jaydon is walking! Isn't that crazy he's so big for being not even a year old yet!

I really like this picture of Jaimo, because of the Yard Man sign in the background. It reminds me of spying on him when he was doing our yard work.... He's a hard-worker! HA HA!

Jaydon LOVES Sampson one of my parents' MANY MANY MANY animals!

This is four generations! Wow, that's crazy!
Pretty pic of Riley and his lovely family. Aren't they cute together?! I love this studly pic of Kyeleah it shows her spice and vigor for life. It blows my mind she's a cool college girl now! Way to go! She amazes me!

My Hubbins is so handsome!

Lola Mary loves her dog Peaches!
Isn't Idaho pretty in the fall....

This is us, posing for a pic in front of one of my Dad's many beautiful hand-crafted art pieces!

My Dad in front of the cabin.... He looks pretty chillax!

Moving out West to the Great Salt Lake!

Before we left Chicago, I went to my favorite farmers market and got cherries. I always keep the pits in my mouth and chew on them. Yes, I know it is weird but it ended up being a very entertaining treat for me. I was laughing so hard and I turned to Jaimo with these pits in my mouth as my teeth. It was goofy but I had to take a picture! This is us crossing into Nebraska, I insisted that I take a picture of each state line and get a post card in each state. We stayed this night in Kearny, Nebraska with the corn huskers.
As you can see in the back ground of this picture we were in close quarters driving for two days across country....
Needless to say we were um uh.... little frazzled by the time we made it to Utah! HA HA! I took one like this too but I look really retarded and I am too embarassed to show you all!

The car was packed, literally, and we piled in. . . Leaving our lovely Chicago home. This is pretty much what Illinois looks like! Lot's of corn fields and yup, that is it... But really I miss it alot and I really miss my ward out there, the people definitely make this a wonderful place.

This is us being SOOOO Vogue! LOL! Crossing the Mississippi river and headed out west, boy howdy! I thought this was really cool and I kept telling Jaimo how cool it was he just laughed at me. We stopped at the World's Largest Truck Stop in Iowa, it was pretty big and well mid-westerny.

Anyway, we made it out to Salt Lake and it is the west. We are both working and staying really busy. We are slowly adapting to the dry climate again and are getting ready for winter. And we are STILL in love!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The VA Beach Aquarium

Na na na na naaaaaaaaa! Shark attack! You know like Jaws? Ok I'm done. :) We got eaten by a shark.... Yes, we are that cool. The old lady who took this picture I think was really shocked by my immaturity. She walked away quickly. he he.
Jaimo learning through interactive animal games. My big kid!
Who knew I am big foot! Here I come!
Jaimo in his cool straw house...

Matchy Matchy in VA Beach!

The Wreck

Hey ya'll here's the pictures of our wreck on our way out here. I did alot of damage. I'm sure you guessed but yes the car was totalled and we are currently working on getting the whole thing sorted out. As for the neck injury I got it is ALL BETTER after some extensive work from the chiropractic/physical therapy! Yeehaw, we have lot's of adventures!


The wives chillin in Chinatown. Oh yeah!